Bastard's Corner

Hey kids! I'm glad to see my hits on this site are up to 150 people...gosh. 30 of them are from me, and like 10 are from KT. I hope some are from people I don't know. Anyhow, today's topic is once again training. Training your head to be exact. A strong neck and a dizzy-proof skull can be a great asset to a battle torn warrior. Lately, I have been incorporating sitting in front of a heavy bag, and letting the heavy, sand packed part of the bottom strike my cheeks and temples...and occasionally my nose which makes you feel like a real bitch. Your eyes me. This has made my brain hurt so I am not gonna directly suggest it yet...because lord knows, I might have a minor concussion or something. This brings me to another subject...make sure you don't overdo it. Your body will only hold up to so much. Thats it for this month...stay safe but still hit yourself in the face.

All about tha combat. Keep it real kids.

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