
This is tha place I'll be putting old reports and stuff from Bastard's corner. Enjoy.


10/30 Proposal J:

•Removing all non-combat members

•Recruiting affiliates for combat reasons

•Non-combat members allowed in a different group if their still useful

•Mandatory training on a regular basis

•Mandatory sparring or "going to war"

Bastard's Corner

February: Hey kids! Good ta see a few more people are coming to my site...even if it is repeat folks interested in the squad. I'd like to start off by saying that I hate Valentines day. Its just a business run by the governent. Anyhow, I'm going to talk about a more direct exercise that I am working on. Its called wrist rolls. What it is, is a wooden dowel, probably about a shovel's size handle...with a hole drilled in the middle. Get some strong rope, thread and tie it into the dowel. Then, tie weight (around 10 pounds to start) and then roll it up, forwards and backwards...until the weight reaches the top. This is a wonderful workout for alot of things, your forearms your shoulders, a little bit of biscepts, and your "goldburg" muscles...those muscles on each side of your spine at the base of your neck. This is how Cobb got to be so me and Kenjin have fully incorporated the wrist roll workout into our training. Well, thats all for this month, happy training n' not happy St. Valentine's day.

January: Okay, for any of you who are avid readers of this page...I must apologize. Waiting until 1/23 to make a frigg'n bastard's corner is lame. Okay, now that dat is off my chest, lets all wish J-Bomb a happy 18th birthday :) Lets hope he doesn't get into another car accident. Okay, this month's topic is easy ways to train in your backyard. Throughout the history of the Bad Guys and the Flipmode Squad, we have done most of our training in someone's backyard. We use logs, bowling balls, and a few straitbars. The reason for not enlisting into a gym and lifting there, is because all those people are too weak there. You haven't lived until you've played bowling ball catch. The rule is if you drop it, everyone gets to punch you in the stomach, and how much power they use is their discretion. Plus the bowling ball can occasionally damage a player, and always seems to be J-Bomb getting hit in the face with a bowling ball. Oh well, haha. Okay, thats enough for this month, although it'll only be like 9 days before my next Corner report.

December: Happy Holidays! I hope you enjoyed all that food on Thanksgiving, cuz there's just as much at Christmas. And since for Christmas I am getting the coveted training vest, I am going to talk about the importance of gravity training. Gravity training is the technique of increasing your density by adding weights to your body, and causing gravity to pull on you more. This increases many vital statistics, such as speed, and strength, and endurance. It also has a nice effect of increasing bone denisty, which makes you simply tougher. Masta Kenjin has such a vest and it goes up to 40 lbs. Thats hellaweight. Plus, he has ankle weights and arm weights for when he's sparring. Maybe this is why he is like the world champion of all martial arts. But if you really would like one of these vests, drop me an e-mail and I'll give you information on ordering one. Twould be nice if you could order a bunch cuz its cheaper in bulk. Well, have a happy holiday and watch out for that y2k crap...not! It doesnt exist. :)

November: Hi again kids. J-Bomber here. November is already here, seems just like yesterday I was crawling outta car reck bleeding profusely. But November is a special month, full of food binges. Nutrition is an important part of training, proper food put into your body is needed. You should always eat ALOT. When your hungry, eat until you cant fathom eating any more. Don't get full off of just donuts, good things, like sandwiches and pie and milk. And throw in some pizza from the neighbor's house. Your body can only do as much as you give it food to feed the damn thing. Well, thats my thoughts on food...follow it and you'll be well on your way to living the strong life.

October: Hi kids. This is J-Bomb. Every update I'm going to try to give you a new training and health tip for that week, month, or whatever. Today's tip is to train your neck. You may not think much about it, but your neck is just itching to be used too. Personally, every saturday me and Master Kenjin go for a walk on the streets of B-town with a log tied to our necks. You might be thinking, "damn, these guys aren't right in the head", which, we probably aren't. But, what we do know is that we are getting really strong necks, and also getting our cardiovascular workout. We do about 9 or 10 miles a saturday, and I suggest trying it a little too. You'll be suprised at how many people honk and cheer when your walking about with a log tied to you. Well, thats it for today, maybe some nutrition facts to help ya out next time. And when in doubt, always look to more powerful people to help you...

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