Flipmode family ties, the B-Town Guardians

Flipmode family ties

Welcome to the Flipmode squad. We are a group of talented as well as very dangerous individuals dedicated to the purpose of promoting the well being of Bentley and its students, and the general welfare of B-town. Enjoy your stay at the site and hope its informative.

I've been working hard considering I don't know HTML. But I'm a quick learner, so just hold up, I'll buy some html books so I can learn some more fancy stuff, because I know this site's getting stale.

Hey, ever wanted to see what the members of the Flipmode Squad do and see on an everyday basis? Well, here's a small but steadily growing photo album for your enjoyment.

J-Bomb's corner. Info strait from the president and avid trainer, teaching from experience of heavy training.

Archives, containing past reports, J-Bomb's advice column, and miscellaneous stuff.

Click here for the squad's favorite sites.

Click here for the current list of members.

E-mail J-Bomb questions about KING OF IRON FIST tournament held in local ol B-town. And any problems or broken links or no pics you notice on my site. Muchos gracias.